Saturday, 28 September 2013

The Evolution of Legal Document Management

The earliest form of document management began thousands of years ago when ancient civilisations organised their libraries of scrolls by topics. This formed the basis for all of the legal document management that followed well into the digital age, when files on early word processors were stored on floppy disks sorted alphabetically by client (more often than not accompanied by a hard paper copy.
When folders, hard drives and servers began to replace floppy disks, the need for paper documents began to decline. Different digital file types are now suitable in the legal industry, not just document and spreadsheets, but also PDFs, images, audio and video. With increasing complexity and quantity of files, there is a growing demand for legal project management software that can help firms to organise, store and find documents with ease read more.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Working in the open: benefits of socialising team collaboration

From school-age we are trained to keep our work private until we’re happy that it is finished and the best that it can be. Our work is our own until we are ready to take a breath and send it out into the harsh, critical world.
Today, more and more companies are embracing team collaboration software, which means that employees have to adapt to a new working style that goes against what we’ve all been taught. Instead, they must work in a way that is open, transparent and collaborative read more.

Friday, 20 September 2013

8 Reasons Enterprise Social Collaboration is here to stay

Digital has changed the way we live and work forever. In handing us the entire distribution channel it has made the world smaller, cheaper to navigate and also more social. Initially such change left businesses defensive. Challenged by the way employees could 
communicate freely many organisations feared it would create inefficiencies and distraction read more.

Benefits of Social and Collaborative E-Learning Solutions for Professional Organizations

The demand for e-learning solutions is constantly rising in the corporate sector for employee education, since it provides companies with the best medium of honing the skills of the personnel in the most effective and efficient manner. However, monotonous content, plaid delivery channels and resistance from the learners themselves create barriers for the success of this solution. Social and collaborative learning are two of the most sought after remote learning tools in the corporate sector as they allow users to create an interactive environment for them to learn and fine tune their respective skill sets read more.

The history of social collaboration with the help of infographic

Over here at HighQ, we have a deep interest in the evolution of social technologies and how they have impacted our everyday lives, from “Twitter Revolutions” affecting regional politic landscapes to how these initially consumer led platforms have shaped enterprise collaboration software. It’s been a long story in the making but the past decade has seen the way people socialise more.